Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving Dinner. The meal we look forward to all year. Everyone has their own traditions, but everyone has a turkey. In my family, my grandma makes a turkey, a ham, and little chickens for all of the kids, so everyone can have their pick of what they want. In our family my cousins are allergic to almost everything. They can't have dairy, eggs, flours, etc. so my grandma has to make double of everything. I love that she can do all of this for us. My grandma makes the traditional buns with butter (special buns and not real butter), gravy, cranberry cause, broccoli casserole ( this is my favorite part of the thanksgiving meal besides green bean casserole), green bean casserole (i usually make this), potatoes, sweet potato casserole, stuffing, a jello salad, and more. Since we have double of everything everyone has to help in the kitchen. In the kitchen everyone is scrabbling around trying to get their dishes sone. While this is going on my dad, grandpa, and uncle are making the turkey, ham, and little chickens. They have to wake up really early to start the meats. When the meats are done my grandpa takes them up stairs to be cut. during this time my siblings and I sneak into the kitchen to steal the juiciest pieces of the turkey and ham. For the deserts my mom is in charge. My mom has made pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and chocolate pie. This year I would like cherry pie, and peach pie included in the mix. (my cousins have their own chocolate pie that they make for themselves. For the pies we also make home-made whip cream. For drinks, people bring a sparkling sider for all of the kids. ( We usually need a bottle for each kid. All of them will be gone by the time the day is over.) My grandparents neighbors also come over. They each bring a desert or two with them to share. By the time lunch is over we usually have left overs. In years past, we usually eat the left overs for supper. I think that most of the left overs are better after they have been warmed up again. If there are any leftovers for the next day, my family will take it home and we will eat it throughout the next week.
Also if you would like to have my grandma make something special you have to call or text her a few days earlier and tell her about it. She will most likely make it if she has time. ( this is why you tell her a few days sooner, so that she can make time to make it.)

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