Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Eye Sight

I have bad eye sight. Thanks, Emily.


Olive Garden has gone way downhill these last few years. I don’t know what has happened. First they had the lettuce containing the E. coli causing people to get sick. Then the last time I was there one of the waiters dropped the cheese grater on the ground. As if that isn’t horrible enough the cheese also fell out of the cheese grater! When the waiter picked up the cheese and the cheese grater I assumed he would toss the cheese and maybe send the cheese grater back to the kitchen to be washed. You would think that they would throw it away and that would be the end of it, but NO! The waiter put the cheese back in the cheese grater, so now anyone who gets that cheese gets “dirty” cheese. I don’t know about you but I like parmesan on my pasta, but that particular visit I passed.

               I remember when I was a little girl and I would always want to go to the Olive Garden, by Barnes and Noble, for my birthday meal. It was a family tradition. Seeing what allowed me to make a decision. I’m not going to go choose to Olive Garden for fear of food poisoning with some floor cheese on top.

               When I think of a nice family restaurant I think of good food (without E. coli), dressing nice for the occasion, and everyone having a good time.  On my last visit, Olive Garden fell short on all of those things. I can’t bring myself to order the salad and cheese anymore because of the E. Coli and the potential for  floor cheese on my salad, and I can’t have a good time when the whole time I am worrying about the food.

               Also in regards to Olive Garden being a nice family restaurant, I have seen families come in dressed in Sweat-shirts and yoga pants. Can you believe that! At least I wear restaurant worthy pants. In my opinion Olive Garden doesn’t qualify for yoga pants yet, but they are close.

               In all fairness to Olive Garden they do have some nice things. The bread sticks are great. They are always warm and fluffy.  They are also very kid friendly. They have kid coloring pages and a kid menu. Although they could probably raise the age of when you have to stop getting things from the kid menu. I think that they have gigantic portions and if you want a smaller portion you are able to get one.  Their food taste pretty good. I usually sick with the ravioli or the fettuccini alfredo.

               Olive Garden food prices are a little high, with the least expensive dish over $10.  Can you believe that?!? I would have to babysit at least 3 to 4 hours to enough money for an entrĂ©e and drink.

               Sometimes the tables we eat at are not the cleanest. I have a friend who put her hand under the table and got gum all over her hand! That is so so gross. I will never put my hand underneath a table after hearing that.  Even at a fancy restaurant.

               When I walk into Olive Garden the first thing I notice the cold temperature.  It feels like it is colder than Alaska inside (even though I have never been to Alaska). You have to have at least five layers on and a heater right next to you to be warm. They must think that it is a hundred degrees outside and that you’re going to die of heat stroke if you aren’t in an air conditioned environment, even when it is the middle of winter. I believe, that is why people aren’t wearing dresses or skirts anymore because when they are done and leave Olive Garden they also leave with hypothermia.

               I think that if Olive Garden rectified a few current issues like lowering the cost of food, increased their food quality so it didn’t include e. coli and floor cheese that it would be better. They also would need to increase the temperature of the restaurant and change the kid’s menu age limit. I think that maybe then people would start viewing it as a nicer restaurant again and wear nicer clothes. Then maybe, just maybe, I would consider going back, but there would have to be major changes to the restaurant in order for that to happen.


October 2012, P. 60, 61, 62, 76

               Scientists are looking for a way to preserve life.  Scientists have been looking at different types of animals, how long their life span is and their cells immunity, cells in humans that have a long life span, cloning, and how to create complex tissues and organs. Many people wish to live longer.  Scientists have found a species of jellyfish, called Turritopsis Nutricula, which can return from its sexually mature state back to a younger state.  Though they can still die from predation, Accident, and disease.   There was a woman in Africa who died from a disease, but not before scientists took some of her cells to look at. The scientists found that the women’s cells stayed alive for a very long time and the cells replicated, grew, and proliferated very fast.  Descendants of the women are living for a very long time because of their cells.  One possible way of immorality is cloning germ cells.  Germ cells from a mature animal can be reset to embryonic form.  These cells can be developed into replacement organs and then injected into an egg, where they are developed in to an embryo and are born.  Scientists can also freeze them and when an aging donor needs to have a damaged genome repaired they can use the stored cells.  Scientists have cloned more than twenty species so far.  There is an argument against human cloning, though, because the clones could, sometimes, be born with medical abnormalities.  Once scientists figure out a better way to clone animals without medical abnormalities, human cloning could become more acceptable.  Medical researchers are trying to create complex tissues and organs from a patient’s own cells also.

               This would affect the world in both a good and bad way.  The bad way is that we would start running out of space for everyone on Earth.   If we ran out of space on Earth than we would start dying from the lack of resources and then there wouldn’t be any reason to live longer on Earth when you are going to die soon anyway.  The good thing would be that everyone would get a longer life span so that they could pressure more of their life goals.  I think that we should care about this because if the world got over populated and we ran out of food and room than it would be very bad.  We have a short life span for a reason and if they are curing diseases and then giving people a longer life span then we will run out of supplies.  We have wars and diseases to wipe out some of the population, even if we don’t want wars and disease we have to have something to control the population numbers. I think that the scientists need to think about the future and figure out a way to have more supplies, including water, food, and land area, have less poverty, and become an eco-friendly environment before they start making people’s lives longer.

               I would recommend this article to others who have thought about this before because it would answer questions they have, including what scientists are doing for this topic.  I would also recommend it to people who have a career or job in disease control because this would show them that they can treat diseases with these cells that the scientists are creating, that replace damaged organs.  I would also recommend this to people who want to become a scientist.  It might interest them and they could go into this field and try and come up with new ideas about what might help the world’s population live longer, but in a resourceful way.  They could very well be the one of the people credited for the accomplishment when it is finally finished.  I would also tell people to just read this article to keep up with what’s going on because they might not know that scientists are even trying to help people have a longer life span.

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Track season is starting and so get pumped up and go support your homeschools I personally am not in truck because I am not very good at running but I like watching my friends do it so go support your school thanks Emily season is starting and I don't get pumped up and go support your homeschools I personally am not in track because I am not very good at running but I like watching my friends do it so go support your school thanks Emily!!!!!!

AP Testing and Studying

High school students are currently preparing for their AP classes that they have taken this year. Currently, one of my teachers finished their lesson plan and has desired that since we are juniors we can make our own plan on how we will study. So today he gave us a calendar for the next two months so that we can show him what we are studying and when we are studying. This way he know that we are studying at our own pace and that we know what we have to get done by this time. Thai way we are relying on ourselves and not a teacher (like what we will have to do in college).

In another class, my teacher finished her lesson plans early and started making sheets about each chapter of what we needed to know the most. From these we study on our own and each day she looks over what we have done the night before. This way she knows that we are at least doing something. Knowing this, it makes people at least do something.

For a few study tips, I would first review the vocab from all of the chapters and see what you do and do not know (even if you think that you know it I would still review it because if you don’t you might forget it by the time the test comes). I would also look over review tests for each chapter and what you don’t know you can review to make sure you know it. Would also recommend studying in a group so that you can quiz each other.


When adults ask me if there is bullying in my school or if I have seen bullying around me, I don’t know what to tell them. I might be too oblivious to notice it around me, but honestly I don’t know what I’m looking for. When teachers or administrators talk to use about bullying, many students think of physical hurt. Even in movies we see more physical abuse and mean girls calling other girls that they don’t like mean names. When students are put into a school situation of bullying, it is friends making mean jokes about others. Even though everyone does it, even though it seems normal, it is a form of bullying.

          Recently, our school had an assembly based on bullying because there was a freshman who had committed suicide. The teachers and administrators thought that the school should have a school wide talk about being kind to others around you, even though you might not like that person.  We had Nina Yu speak about what she did as Ms. Teen Iowa. She goes to other schools to share that schools need to have as much ethnicity in schools as possible. And also how ethnicity means unique students and different types of people in our school. Nina also said that what some students might say as a joke other students could get offended by the words or actions. We also had a newspaper person who spoke about her tough times in the news room. I thought that she was very courageous to stand up to all of the people who fought against her. In one situation she talked about how someone called the news room to tell the manager of the news station to have that certain news caster off of the TV screen. Since the TV room had caller ID, the news caster called the woman back and asked her what she wanted. The woman on the phone didn’t realize that her call would get back to the news caster and apologized for her behavior and words.

          The definition of bullying is use superior strength or influence to intimidate someone, typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Bullies usually make people feel bad because they are not doing well in their own homes. Many bullies either take out their anger on getting high on drugs or alcohol or hurting someone else. They can’t handle their lives and take it out on other people. These people turn into bullies. They need to have guidance in their life, but not many get it.

          In many movies you see a girl get attacked with mean words or physical abuse. The girl usually takes drugs to kill herself and her mom usually finds her right before she dies. The medial crew gets there before the girl dies and saves her. When the girl finally recovers, she goes back to school and stand up against the mean girl. It was a good movie over all, but it doesn’t capture the true meaning of bullying. We get shown clips and movies of the stereotypical type of bullying. People think that bullying is about certain people and certain types of words used on people and the abuse is harmless, but it drives people over the edge. I think that there should be a new movie out to show the ‘real’ type of bullying that is going on and it should include viewpoints of actual victims of bullying.

          School staff members do an okay job at trying to keep bullying at bay, but not everyone is nice to one another. In our school students should take a stand by themselves to stop the bullying. Students should take it up on their own and not have teachers plan a school wide meeting about bullying. We should have organized sections for students who feel worthless. The school should have groups to help students, but they shouldn’t be pushed. I think the school should also make their own movie about what bullying really is. Including all students in the movie, whether they are writing the scrip or helping as actors, just to let the students know that they are missed and are cared for.

          I think that bullying should be a bigger deal in the school day and that everyone should be kinder to each other, whether in the halls or in the school parking lot. Students and teachers should make an effort to be kinder to each other.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Soccer Season

Go support your soccer team. Their season is here. Hope they all do good. Thanks Emily.

Other Holidays

There are other holidays in the year.

National Days

National January days are National Bath Safety Month, National Black Diamond Month*, National Blood Donor Month, National Braille Literacy Month, National Hobby Month, National Hot Tea Month, National Mentoring Month, National Oatmeal Month, National Slow Cooking Month, National Soup Month, National Sunday Supper Month*. National February days are American Heart Month, An Affair to Remember Month, Black History Month, Canned Food Month, Creative Romance Month, Great American Pie Month, National Bake for Family Fun Month, National Bird Feeding Month, National Cherry Month,  National Children’s Dental Health Month, National Grapefruit Month, National Heart Month, National Hot Breakfast Month, National Library Lovers Month, National Macadamia Nut Month, National North American Inclusion Month, National Snack Food Month, National Weddings Month, National Embroidery Month. National March days are National Caffeine Awareness Month, National Celery Month, National Cheerleading Safety Month, National Craft Month, National Credit Education Month, National Flour Month, National Frozen Food Month, National Kidney Disease Awareness Month, National Noodle Month, National Nutrition Month, National Peanut Month, National Sauce Month, National Trisomy Awareness Month, National Umbrella Month, National Women’s History Month, National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, National Music in Our Schools Month, and National Professional Social Work Month. National April days are National Child Abuse Awareness Month, National Donate Life Awareness Month, National Cannabis Awareness Month, National Fair Housing Month , International Guitar Month, Keep America Beautiful Month, Lawn and Garden Month, National Autism Awareness Month, National Couple Appreciation Month, National Decorating Month, National Fresh Celery Month, National Garden Month, National Humor Month, National Landscape Architecture Month, National Inventor’s Month, National Jazz Appreciation Month, National Soft Pretzel Month, National Soy Foods Month, National Straw Hat Month, National Poetry Month, National Pecan Month, National Welding Month, Records and Information Management Month, Scottish American Heritage Month, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Stress Awareness Month, and National Safe Digging Month. National May days are Date Your Mate Month, Foster Care Month, Older Americans Month, National Barbecue Month, National Bike Month, National Blood Pressure Month, National Chocolate Custard Month, National Chamber Music Month, National Egg Month, National Get Caught Reading Month, National Hamburger Month, National Lyme Disease Awareness Month, National Mediterranean Diet Month, National Photograph Month, National Recommitment Month, National Salad Month, National Salsa Month, National Strawberry Month, and Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. National June days are Aquarium Month, Fight the Filthy Fly Month, Gay Pride Month, National Accordion Awareness Month, National Adopt a Cat Month, National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, National Candy Month, National Camping Month, National Country Cooking Month, National Dairy Month
Spinach Lovers Month, Squirrel Awareness Month, Tackling Hunger Month, Talk About Prescriptions Month, Vegetarian Month, Wishbones for Pets Month, Workplace Politics Awareness Month, and World Menopause Month. National November days are Adopt A Senior Pet Month, Aviation History Month, Banana Pudding Lovers Month, Diabetic Eye Disease Month, Epilepsy Awareness Month, Family Stories Month, Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month, Greens and Plantains Month, Historic Bridge Awareness Month, International Drum (Percussion) Month, Lung Cancer Awareness Month, Movember, MADD’s Tie One On For Safety Holiday Campaign, Military Family Appreciation Month, National Adoption Month, National Alzheimer’s Disease Month, National COPD Month, National Diabetes Month, National Family Caregivers Month, National Fun with Fondue Month, National Georgia Pecan Month, National Gratitude Month, National Home Care & Hospice Month, National Impotency Month, National Inspirational Role Models Month, National Life Writing Month, National Long-term Care Awareness Month, National Marrow Awareness Month, National Medical Science Liaison (MSL) Awareness & Appreciation Month, National Native American Heritage Month, National Family Literacy Month, National Novel Writing Month, National Peanut Butter Lovers Month, National Pepper Month, National Pet Cancer Awareness Month, National Pomegranate Month, National PPSI AIDS Awareness Month, National Raisin Bread Month, National Roasting Month, National Scholarship Month, Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, Prematurity Awareness Month, PTA Healthy Lifestyles Month, Spinach and Squash Month, Sweet Potato Awareness Month, NoSHAVEmber, Vegan Month, and Worldwide Bereaved Siblings Month. National December days are AIDS Awareness Month, Awareness Month of Awareness Months Month, Bingo’s Birthday Month, National Drunk & Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month, National Human Rights Month, National Tie Month, National Write A Business Plan Month, Operation Santa Paws, Quince and Watermelon Month, Root Vegetables and Exotic Fruits Month, Safe Toys and Gifts Month, Spiritual Literacy Month, Take a New Year’s Resolution to Stop Smoking, Tomato and Winter Squash Month, Universal Human Rights Month, and Worldwide Food Service Safety Month.