Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Schedule for School Next Year

 This year in my school district, there are many changes being made this past year. We have had an optional zero hour, our first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth hour. We also have an afterschool seventh hour for everyone who wanted to take more classes, but this coming year things will be changing. Instead of having a zero hour, we will be having a first through seventh hour and then no afterschool class. We will be starting at 7:45 and ending at 3:15 every day. It has really messed with a lot of kid’s schedules including mine. The first week in January we are supposed to schedule our classes for the next year. It is been hard to do that since many of our classes will be different next year. I was going to take seven full classes my first semester and then I was going to take four classes my second semester. I can do this because I have been taking early bird classes my first three years of high school, hoping to have less classes my senior year. Now since the change I have to take another required amount of classes, so next year I might also TA for a teacher. TAing is when you help a teacher out by grading homework and helping with tests. You also sit through one class period. Next year I'm taking two AP classes, AP calculus and AP environmental science. With this load I will need more time for studying in my schedule. The new thing with gym, since there are only a certain amount of people are allowed to have an online gym, is that you have to have a in the day gym. Online gym is when you go in a certain amount of times during the week run a few laps and then you take online tests about the health and fitness part. This year since I have a couple periods open in my second semester I will not be able to do this which makes many people quite frustrated including me because I have an afterschool activity which is cross country and I don't want to be waking up having to go do a performance PE which is weightlifting and then going to first hour non-showered.
What do you think of the new schedules for next year? Do you think there's any way to help us? Also do you think they're changing the new lunch schedule or keeping it the same? Let me know what you think.

Thanks, Emily.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Star Wars

Recently, the new star wars came out. I had seen a few bits and pieces of past movies, but never a whole movie. So, a few weeks after the newest movie had come out I watched the first three movies. When I did this I had to look up what order the movies went in. At first I was so confused about what order the movies went in because if you look it up on Google the order of the movies is random from the order in when they came out. When I first started watching it I was really confused about what was going on.
I had recognize some of the characters when I'd watch the movies before but I didn't understand how they would play a role in the movie I was currently watching.
My favorite character in the first movie was in Anakin because he was this cute, adorable young boy, that had enough courage to stand up to his master and try and set him and his mom free by joining a race where he could die. I also thought it was really cool how he built his own racing vehicle. In the end I also thought it was cool how the older Jedi thought that he was going to be the boy from the prophecy, Anakin was so powerful.
In the next movie, Anakin can has grown up a lot and is currently in love with the girl he saved from the first movie. They both go on missions together and try and stop the dark Jedi throughout the movie. I thought that all characters had their important roles and the movie wouldn't have worked without any of them.
By the end of the movie and Anakin and the princess get married. I thought that it was a great ending to the second movie. When I went to watch the third movie, I had seen a little bit of it with my dad.
In this one, Anakin becomes a dark Jedi and you see how Anakin slowly turns on his wife and friends and how the Dark side takes him. You also see how Anakin turns into the thing everyone fears.
By the end of the movie and Anakin’s wife dies but has two twins Leah and Luke, but Anakin doesn’t know about them. He thinks that they are dead. I haven't finish watching the rest of the movies yet, but I will be soon. I can't wait to see what happens next.
I also heard that the newest Star Wars movie was amazing and there are twists and turns throughout the whole movie.
One of my favorite Jedi on the council was Yoda. He was so adorable and he always speaks his sentences in halves.
I know a lot of people are currently into the Star Wars movies and one of the things that made me watch Star Wars was one of the episodes from Parks and Recreation when Ben's first talking about Star Wars.
Also one of my friends recently watched all of them and so they were amazing.

Have you watched Star Wars yet? What did you think about the movie? What was your favorite part or what did you think could have been changed? Let me know.
Thanks, Emily.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Bachelor

Every year the bachelor comes on with that handsome guy or a really pretty girl throughout the seasons you see one guy or girl pick from about 30 girls, his wife to be. On the first night he has met his future wife to be. On the first night when everyone is stepping out of the limo, there are always crazy people, and this year there were even more than usual. One girl came one with a giant rose on her head. She said she wanted to be his first rose, and another came in with a fake horse on her head, and another came with an actual horse. That was interesting. There were also two surprises. The first was that there were twins, Emily and Haley. The seconds was that two past girls came back, Becca and Amber. In the first night you really get to know a lot of the girls because of their personality or their job occupation. In the first night Ben meet individually with each girl from then he decides what 25 he wants to keep or move onto the next round. This year the new bachelor is Ben.
This year has been different from any other more drama than usual and it seems Ben can't take a lot of it
Every year the bachelors do something crazy with one of the group dates, this year they went on a comedian's talk show and they all show their special talent. This year since there were twins they both did a tap dance together. It was amazing how instinct they were. Another girl played the cello. The very last girl, named Olivia didn't know what to do. Olivia is the girl that everyone hates this year, she is full of herself and doesn't consider anyone's feelings. She was the final one in the talent show. She dressed up in a really skimpy outfit, and then danced weirdly all around the stage. At the end of the show, Ben goes on a date individually with everyone again, in Olivia's date, Olivia starts crying because she wasn't good at the dancing and said ‘she really put herself out there’ and Ben apparently doesn't see the real Olivia, but all the other girls do. Last week on the individual dates at the end of the night everyone confronted Ben about Olivia, how Olivia made comments to one girl, who is a mom. Olivia commented that the mom’s life sounded like a teen mom episode. Many of the girls were offended about what Olivia said. When Ben found this out, right before the rose ceremony, he went to talk to Olivia alone, and the episode ended there.
This past week it showed it when Ben and Olivia were talking. Ben asked Olivia how she felt about what the girls were saying and she started talking self-centered, and about how she didn't do anything wrong and all the other girls felt threatened by her, but none of this was true. In the end, Olivia stayed. It continued on throughout the episode and it was down to a group date and then before the episode ended they did the double date, were two girls went off with Ben and he kept one and the other went home. It was between Emily and Olivia. They sat on the beach and individually had their dates. By the end of the episode, Ben left Olivia standing there alone on the beach.

 I don't know what the outcome is, but I'm really hoping that either Emily or Becca, a girl who has come back from last season, makes it on to next week.

Let me know if you watch the bachelor. Also let me know what you think it's going to happen with the girls next week. Who you think will be Ben's future wife? and who will get sent home?

Thanks, Emily.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Christmas Eve

My family is very traditional on Christmas Eve. To get ready for when my grandparents come around noon, my siblings and I make sure we have enough cookies and other treats to keep everyone happy. In the morning we get out our Christmas book, which consists of recipes and it also holds other things that are Christmasy. Usually we have the all of the ingredients out the day before, so that we are ready to make the food. I make the dips for all of the chips and crackers. I make a Ruben dip and a corn dip and another type of dip. Next my sister and I will lay out the cracker tray, which consists of different types of crackers and different types of cheeses and sometimes even salami. My mom is in charge of making the cheese ball which is covered in bacon. It is one of the best parts. My brother and dad, together, make my grandma's punch. We usually pair the punch with ginger-ail. My little sister gets out our cookie tray which consists of three layers of plates, which we pile different types of cookies on the tray. The cookies include ginger bread cookies, sugar cookies, cookies that are shaped like trees, and sprinkle covered cookies, and chocolate chip for my brother. We also set out coolers full of other drinks for anyone else that would want something else. By the time I grandma and grandpa arrive everything is ready. My grandma and grandpa usually bring shrimp and sauce and something else. If my grandma has time before they come up, she usually makes cookies. We snack throughout the day till Christmas Eve. During this time we watch movies, hang out, have fun play games, or do the foosball table. By the time Christmas Eve rolls around, we open up two presents. The first present is our pajamas that we pick out every year, the other we get to choose. When we unwrap our pajama gift we dress in the pajamas and then come downstairs by the tree and sit in front of it and get it a picture. Once this is done, we get to open our next present, which it is usually an ornament and then we all sit on the couch and watch National Lampoon's family Christmas vacation. It is a tradition and every year it gets even funnier. When the movie is finally over, we all go up to bed and wait for Santa to come.

Let me know what you do for Christmas Eve. What are your traditions like?

Thanks, Emily.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is always early for my family. My brother Adam and I, are usually the first ones up in the morning. My brother and I are usually loud in the morning, so my mom and grandma will come down and tell us to be quiet, so that everyone else can get a good sleep and not be cranky when they wake up. My brother and I usually first go look at our stockings to see what we got and it usually consists of small gifts like little lip glosses, fuzzy socks, or candy. Sometimes even a stuffed animal or a cell phone case. After that my brother and I split up everyone's gifts into different piles, my next two sisters come down soon after that and we all set our gifts up in the order we want to open them. We have to wait till everyone comes down. Usually my grandpa gets ready before he comes down, so it takes him a while. My dad is always the last one because he make coffee for us. When everyone is sitting around the tree, we all get ready to open presents. We usually go from youngest to oldest opening one gift at a time to make sure everyone sees what they got and that way my mom can also take pictures. We also include the adults in the gift opening. We usually have them open their gifts first before everyone else. Once everyone has opened their gifts and cleaned up the wrapping paper mess and gotten all the gifts in order, the kids and whoever else needs to get ready, go up and get ready. Soon after that everyone has a small little breakfast or some leftovers from the night before. My mom and grandma then start to make lunch. For lunch I always choose broccoli casserole and green bean casserole. They are my favorite. We also have ham and goose. My brother chooses potatoes and my grandma always makes gravy to go with it. We always have buns and a few other things. We usually have enough punch left over for the next day, so we will drink that with our lunch. Once everyone has gotten their fill of the main course, we usually bring out the desserts, which consists of more cookies and a few pies and maybe some ice cream. Once everyone has eaten, we usually clean up the dishes and then play a game or two of cards. By this time everyone is full and getting tired. My younger siblings usually go and play with their gifts, and my sister and I usually go watch a show with our grandparents and parents or talk about upcoming events. Sometimes on Christmas Day, my family and I will either go Christmas shopping or go to a movie. The past few years, we have gone Christmas shopping, which consists of having my grandpa drive everyone around and my mom and grandma taking all the kids in and looking for after Christmas stuff.

What do you do on Christmas Day? What's it like in your family? Do you have any Christmas Day traditions? Let me know.

 Thanks, Emily.