Monday, January 25, 2016

The Bachelor

Every year the bachelor comes on with that handsome guy or a really pretty girl throughout the seasons you see one guy or girl pick from about 30 girls, his wife to be. On the first night he has met his future wife to be. On the first night when everyone is stepping out of the limo, there are always crazy people, and this year there were even more than usual. One girl came one with a giant rose on her head. She said she wanted to be his first rose, and another came in with a fake horse on her head, and another came with an actual horse. That was interesting. There were also two surprises. The first was that there were twins, Emily and Haley. The seconds was that two past girls came back, Becca and Amber. In the first night you really get to know a lot of the girls because of their personality or their job occupation. In the first night Ben meet individually with each girl from then he decides what 25 he wants to keep or move onto the next round. This year the new bachelor is Ben.
This year has been different from any other more drama than usual and it seems Ben can't take a lot of it
Every year the bachelors do something crazy with one of the group dates, this year they went on a comedian's talk show and they all show their special talent. This year since there were twins they both did a tap dance together. It was amazing how instinct they were. Another girl played the cello. The very last girl, named Olivia didn't know what to do. Olivia is the girl that everyone hates this year, she is full of herself and doesn't consider anyone's feelings. She was the final one in the talent show. She dressed up in a really skimpy outfit, and then danced weirdly all around the stage. At the end of the show, Ben goes on a date individually with everyone again, in Olivia's date, Olivia starts crying because she wasn't good at the dancing and said ‘she really put herself out there’ and Ben apparently doesn't see the real Olivia, but all the other girls do. Last week on the individual dates at the end of the night everyone confronted Ben about Olivia, how Olivia made comments to one girl, who is a mom. Olivia commented that the mom’s life sounded like a teen mom episode. Many of the girls were offended about what Olivia said. When Ben found this out, right before the rose ceremony, he went to talk to Olivia alone, and the episode ended there.
This past week it showed it when Ben and Olivia were talking. Ben asked Olivia how she felt about what the girls were saying and she started talking self-centered, and about how she didn't do anything wrong and all the other girls felt threatened by her, but none of this was true. In the end, Olivia stayed. It continued on throughout the episode and it was down to a group date and then before the episode ended they did the double date, were two girls went off with Ben and he kept one and the other went home. It was between Emily and Olivia. They sat on the beach and individually had their dates. By the end of the episode, Ben left Olivia standing there alone on the beach.

 I don't know what the outcome is, but I'm really hoping that either Emily or Becca, a girl who has come back from last season, makes it on to next week.

Let me know if you watch the bachelor. Also let me know what you think it's going to happen with the girls next week. Who you think will be Ben's future wife? and who will get sent home?

Thanks, Emily.

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