Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Christmas Day

Christmas Day is always early for my family. My brother Adam and I, are usually the first ones up in the morning. My brother and I are usually loud in the morning, so my mom and grandma will come down and tell us to be quiet, so that everyone else can get a good sleep and not be cranky when they wake up. My brother and I usually first go look at our stockings to see what we got and it usually consists of small gifts like little lip glosses, fuzzy socks, or candy. Sometimes even a stuffed animal or a cell phone case. After that my brother and I split up everyone's gifts into different piles, my next two sisters come down soon after that and we all set our gifts up in the order we want to open them. We have to wait till everyone comes down. Usually my grandpa gets ready before he comes down, so it takes him a while. My dad is always the last one because he make coffee for us. When everyone is sitting around the tree, we all get ready to open presents. We usually go from youngest to oldest opening one gift at a time to make sure everyone sees what they got and that way my mom can also take pictures. We also include the adults in the gift opening. We usually have them open their gifts first before everyone else. Once everyone has opened their gifts and cleaned up the wrapping paper mess and gotten all the gifts in order, the kids and whoever else needs to get ready, go up and get ready. Soon after that everyone has a small little breakfast or some leftovers from the night before. My mom and grandma then start to make lunch. For lunch I always choose broccoli casserole and green bean casserole. They are my favorite. We also have ham and goose. My brother chooses potatoes and my grandma always makes gravy to go with it. We always have buns and a few other things. We usually have enough punch left over for the next day, so we will drink that with our lunch. Once everyone has gotten their fill of the main course, we usually bring out the desserts, which consists of more cookies and a few pies and maybe some ice cream. Once everyone has eaten, we usually clean up the dishes and then play a game or two of cards. By this time everyone is full and getting tired. My younger siblings usually go and play with their gifts, and my sister and I usually go watch a show with our grandparents and parents or talk about upcoming events. Sometimes on Christmas Day, my family and I will either go Christmas shopping or go to a movie. The past few years, we have gone Christmas shopping, which consists of having my grandpa drive everyone around and my mom and grandma taking all the kids in and looking for after Christmas stuff.

What do you do on Christmas Day? What's it like in your family? Do you have any Christmas Day traditions? Let me know.

 Thanks, Emily.

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