Sunday, November 15, 2015


Recently, my family and I have moved into a rental house. One night we heard some meowing. My brother looks outside and sees this adorable cat. I of-course have this great idea of putting some cat food out for it. (we own a cat named Ripley) My sister Anna told me to call my mom to see what we could do to help it because it is a stray cat. So, I called my mom and she told me to give it food and water, but to not touch it because it might have a bad disease. My sister and I were watching the cat from the window right beside the door. It was so cute.
The following day there was a storm on the forecast. It was only my brother, Adam, and I home. It started to lightning outside. The stray cat was back and so I went outside to try and get in the garage. By this time it had started sprinkling out. The cat wouldn't get into the garage. I then called my mom who said that if it didn't want to go inside that I should just leave it. At that point I started to hear the tornado sirens. I run inside and get y brother, dog, and cat down stairs, hoping that the stray cat found a good place to stray during the storm. After the storm was over I went upstairs to see if the cat was ok. It was sitting outside the door waiting for us cold and wet. My mom got home five minutes later. We let the cat in the garage with some new food and water and some dry towels.
The next night the cat came back. My mom was home at the time, so she took a stick thing (it belonged to a dusting thing). She went out to the front stoop to see if it was a nice cat. The cat walked up to my mom and tried to rub up against my mom. It just wanted love and a family. My mom used the duster thing to scratch the cat. It was rubbing against the stick, scratching itself. I gave it more food and water also. My siblings and I asked my mom if we could keep it. She said that she would schedule a vet appointment. The rest of the night my family and I were trying to think of named for the stray. Minki was thrown out there and dumped into the garbage. I remembered the name Ferguson from 'New Girl'. Everyone liked it. (If it was a girl it would have been Fergi, but I saw that it was a boy cat.)
So far we have a vet appointment on Tuesday and Ferguson is currently making his home in our garage.
Ferguson is not afraid of our dog, Clover. Through the glass, Ferguson will walk up to Clover and paw at the glass. We are going to have Ferguson declawed so that he will not hurt anyone acciedntily while he is playing around. So far, Ferguson is far more playful than Ripley. Ripley lays around all day sleeping, eating, and pooping. When ever we have bought Ripley toys, he hasn't played with them. So far, from what I have seen with Ferguson, he is way more playful. I am very exited that I finally get to buy fun new toys and play with my cat, Ferguson!
Let me know what you think of taking a cat or dog in. If you have, can I have some pointers? I can't wait to add an addition to our family. Thanks, Emily.

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