Sunday, October 4, 2015

New Hair

The new thing this year is short hair. I personally think that only certain people like Emma Watson, can rock the short hair style. I am one of those who can't do short hair. When I was little I always wanted to have short hair. My mom tried to talk me out of it every time, but it never worked. I sometimes look back at old photos and videos and think why did I do that to myself. I was just horrible. I like my long hair. I can do so many styles with long hair. I like being able to put all of my hair into a pony-tail without having some hair left out. I like doing French braids, fish tails, Dutch braids, etc. My final opinion of short hair is that I don't like it. Girls should keep their long gorgeous hair. You can do so much more with long hair. If you do have short hair and you like it good, I am not saying that it looks bad, I just think long hair is so much better.
I think that both long and short hair have their pros and cons. Pros for long hair is that you can do so many hair styles. You can make you hair look short also. A few cons are you have to maintain. You can leave it natural but it might not look the best. You have to do something with it. A Pro with short hair is that it frames your face nicely (sometimes), and sometimes it makes you have a longer prettier neck too. Another pro for short hair is that you can wake up and just go. You don't have to do anything at all. A few cons are that if you ever put your hair up you will have to use many booby pins if your hair isn't long enough. I would hate having to keep putting bobby pins in my hair. Another con is that if you cut your hair short and do not like it you have to wait for your hair to grow long again and personally, my hair takes forever to grow. I has taken a couple years for me to get my hair almost to my lower back and this is with me only getting a few trims throughout the year. Another con would be that you can't really do any hair styles with short hair. You can really only have it curly or straight with maybe a small braid that you can add in there if your hair is long enough.
If you have any thing to add, like if you agree with me or not, let me know and comment. Thanks, Emily.

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