Monday, February 15, 2016

New Barbies

Every thing in socirty is changing and some if it is not for the better is if it is for the worst and I have not figured out yet if these new innovation is for the better or worse. So recently I heard about these really weird new Barbie is they actually are more curvier and bigger than the original barbecue so when I first found this out I was really confused because I thought the original Barbie was OK and like I won't played with it sends like forever ago my mom even had a ton of Barbie is when she did it so when I heard about these new bodies I was really confused and looked them up and basically it one of them is a little bigger and the other one has Mark Kurtz and I guess I kind of understand why people that this so that girls of all ages can feel better about themselves and they don't have to be Barbie thin but I also think that almost kind of ruins the feeling of Barbies from the old times and the loser feel Barbies are like a little taller than average height sin so much that it's like not feel but when they make it forever everyone else to feel better about themselves I guess it's OK but it's still so different from when it was even just see the changes that are happening in every day society that is making changes it also makes you think about what other types of changes are changing in society like the way we eat affects the way we look at things and how models are way too skinny and everyone is criticizing them even though they been that way for years and years and just now we are starting to do something about it because none of us are eating healthier anymore and everyone's trying to go the easy way and get diets or get surgery to fix it but that doesn't change anything it's not helping anyone and it's just making things worse for society do you think Barb you should stay the same or become more like this upcoming generation also let me know what other types of things and society make you mad or make things better what do you think about them look them up there they look like normal people me know what you think also tell me changes you have noticed in the last few years or decades and let me know if you think it is for the better or worse. What could you do to help change some og these new things and do you know of people that are also trying to help society and it what way are you and or this other person doing this and is it working out. thanks Emily.  

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