Saturday, December 5, 2015

Christmas Tree Time

For the past couple of years my family and I have gone out and gotten a real tree. We usually get the soft pine needles, but this year, to help keep the bulbs on the tree better and get more bulbs on the tree, we are going to get a smaller rougher pine tree.

               The morning after Thanksgiving my family and I go out to Wiki Tree Farm and pick out a tree. We roam the tree farm for the perfect tree for our family. For the past couple of years we could only have a tree that is around 8 feet high. This year we were allowed to get a 12 foot tall tree. My dad and brother usually cut the tree down using a hand saw, but this year my brother Adam, two sisters Anna and Ella, my dad and I cut it down together (we each put a few cuts in the tree and then my dad finished it.) When the tree was almost cut down my two sisters and I went on the opposite side of my dad to hold the tree up and keep it from getting all muddy because it had rained recently. The trees needles were so sharp and pointy that my two sisters left it up to me to hold after a while. Once the tree was cut down my dad and sister Anna (whose is the strongest of all of the four kids) brought the tree down to be paid for, shaken (to make sure that Alvin and the chipmunks weren’t living in it), and then have it bagged and tried on my dad’s car. Once we got it on top of the car, we celebrated by going out to eat at Pancheros. Once we got home my dad put lots of white lights all over the tree. We then pulled out the boxes and tubs of ornaments and bulbs and started to decorate the tree. My youngest sister Ella finally put the start on top of the tree. Once the tree was decorated I had made hot cocoa for everyone. While we were drinking our hot cocoa, we were listening to Christmas music on my mom’s IPhone and were talking.

When do you get your Christmas tree? How big is it? Do you cut it down yourself (meaning your dad) or is it artificial? Do you have any traditions? Let me know. Thanks Emily.

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