Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas Cookies

Every year my family and I make Christmas cookies. Everyone in my family chooses their cookie that my mom, two sisters and I bake, but with some cookies we make then no matter what.

The cookies that we always make are sugar cookies that we can decorate with frosting or colored sugar. We usually make 3-4 batches of these because they get eaten so soon. We also make press cookies that are like sugar cookies, just smaller and fatter. We decorate our press cookies with colored sugar. For our press cookies we make anywhere from 4-7 batches.

For individual cookies my dad always chooses the same cookie, or should I say pie. He chooses Tea Time Tassies. They are almost like mini pecan pies. We usually make two batches of these (my dad could eat all of these on his own, I honestly don’t prefer them.) My youngest sister Ella chooses the Almond Cookies. They are so good. I eat almost the whole batter if I am making them (there aren’t any eggs in these so they are safe to eat raw.). My mom usually makes 3 batches. By this time our house is smelling quite good. On to my brother Adam, who choses peanut butter cookies with Hershey kisses presses into the top of them. (I forget what they are called) We usually make 4 batches of these cookies. My other sister Anna chooses Frogs Eyes. We only make a double batch of these. Which are triple chocolate cookies with green frosting on top. My mom chooses peppermint bark. We usually have to make a couple batches of these depending on how thick they are. I usually don’t eat this because I don’t like peppermint. Last but not least I choose gingersnaps. They are the best cookies every especially when they are just out of the oven and are all gooey and warm. Since I am the one making these cookies I make around 5-7 batches.

The year that I remember making the most cookies was when my Great Aunt Reva came down to my house with my grandma. We had so many different deserts and cookies that we had tables in the living room set up. We also had pans of deserts and cookies waiting to go in the oven.

What do you make for your Christmas cookies? Send me the recipes and I will try them. Also try mine. If you need my cookie recipes let me know. Thanks Emily.

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