Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Weekend

The band The Weekend is an interesting group. I didn't even know about the group until my little sister Ella, told my mom and I that she was watching a music video and the main soloist looked like he had an octopus on his head that had a crab underneath it. I thought that it was really interesting for a ten year old to be describing a guys hair-do that way. This was so tempting that I had to look it up for myself and interestingly enough she was right.
Another interesting thing about the group is their choice in music. I was listening to one of their songs on Z102.9 when they were rating songs. The song The Hill and I didn't think it was that good. Many people who called in to rate it didn't rate the song that well. I honestly thought that the song was just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. You couldn't make out most of their words and what you could make out didn't really fit together.
Their song I Can't Feel My Face is one of the worst songs that I have ever heard. It makes no sense to me and I have to hear one person who can explain to me what the song is trying to get across. The line "I can't feel my face when I'm with you, but I love it" is not logical. I feel like the song writer was not in his right mind when they were righting the song.
I haven't heard any of their other songs yet, but I have yet to be impressed with one of their songs. Let me know what you thought of their songs and if you can explain the song I can't Feel My Face to me, please do. Thanks, Emily.

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